Other resources

The “Other resources” section is dedicated to the main resources available online dedicated to cooperation, the promotion of dialogue, peace, human rights and sustainable development
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The text and pictures published in this section are are copyrighted to their respective owners: any form of reproduction or use other than personal is governed by Italian Lgs.D. 42/2004 (Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio), artt. 106, 107, 108.

Italian Agency for development cooperation

The Italian Agency for development cooperation is one of the main innovations stemming from the national Reform on Cooperation (Law 125/2014) and started its activity in Jan 2016, harmonizing Italian DC-related policies with EU and international policities already implemented.

International Organization for Migration

Founded in 1951, the IOM is the main world intergovernmental organization dedicated to migration. Italy is one of the founding members.

It now includes 165 members. IOM is a flexible institution that includes 460+ contact points in 100+ countries.

Since 2016, IOM has served as an associated Agency of the United Nations network.

IOM HQ’s are based in Geneva.

IOM mission to Italy

The relations between the Italian Government and the IOM are governed by the national agreement signed in Rome on June 6, 1967, ratified and implemented by Law 441 on Feb 22, 1968. The Agreement includes the activities carried out by IOM in Italy and it guarantees the fulfilment of shared objectives, as stated by the IOM mission.

The IOM mission to Rome serves as the Coordinator per the countries of the Mediterranean basins.

Italian Inter-ministerial Commitee for Human Rights

The Comitato Interministeriale per i Diritti Umani was launched by DM 15 February 1978, n. 519 to implement the policies ratified by the Italian Government connected to international agreements or covenants to protect and promote human rights. Today (DM 5 September 2013, n. 2000/517), CIDU is hosted at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the Direzione Generale per gli Affari Politici e di Sicurezza; it is chaired by a High Diplomat and consists of representatives of Italian Ministries and public institutions engaged in activities connected to human rights.
