Hot Topic - Refugees
Project: Sheltering and developing tailor-made education for refugees
In order to enhance the pivotal role of the University of Sassari within the social, cultural and economic development of North Sardinia and to foster dialogue between research and local stake-holders, the University is developing an experimental project to build educational pathways for young foreign refugees.
The cultural impact that the project provides to national migration policies and the integration of migrants in the local social fabric, offers an organized educational framework involving several stake-holders and experts in the field of migration (Prefecture, Police headquarters, local institutions, schools, associations and social coops).
Research studies conducted during the last few years on migration under both theoretical and experimental perspectives (a MOU signed by the Municipalities of Alghero and Castelsardo and their schools is available, involving also associations and coops) showed that actions developed by scholars with small groups of migrants had a significative cultural impact on the youth, in particular in the fields of education, employment and socal inclusion.
The projects involves strategic partners in the fields of education and guidance, internationalization and third mission.
The educational pathways developed by the University of Sassari facilitate the access of young foreing refugees to school and university facilities. All the refugees who joined the project live in North Sardinia and are hosted by CAS and SPRAR shelters.
Operational development
The project will be managed by a group of experts appointed by UNISS, chaired by professor Silvia Serreli.
Just like 2016, also in 2017-2018 meetings were organized to gather together youngsters hosted by CAS and SPRAR shelters), teachers and representatives of CPIA Adult Education Centers of Sassari, to develop tailor-made educational pathways and new ways to organize shelter services.
European Qualifications Passport for Refugees
UNISS supports the "European Qualifications Passport for Refugees", a project based on the Council of Europe Lisbon Recognition Convention, promoted by CIMEA at national level.
Partners include the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, the Conference of University Rectors of Italy and qualification recognition centres in Armenia, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK.
The UNHCR Representation in Greece and the UNHCR Representation in Strasbourg also support the project.
The European Qualifications Passport for Refugees is a document providing an assessment of the higher education qualifications based on available documentation and a structured interview. It also presents information on the applicant’s work experience and language proficiency. The document provides reliable information for integration and progression towards employment and admission to further studies.
It is a specially developed assessment scheme for refugees, even for those who cannot fully document their qualifications.
Useful resources
- Erasmus+ helping refugees through Higher Education
- Inspiring practices – January 2016: Higher Education helping newly arrived refugees.Meet basic needs and ease social integration
- Inspiring practices – January 2016: Higher Education helping newly arrived refugees Access to HE out of Europe and Awareness in
- Inspiring practices – January 2016: Higher Education helping newly arrived refugees Recognition of skills, access to HE and Inte